
Current Projects/Grants

Uprooting Children: The risks and rewards of mobility for vulnerable students in California’s public schools. (2019-2023). Cassandra Guarino (PI), Lucrecia Santibañez (Co-PI), Robert K. Ream (Co-PI). Funded by the Institute of Education Sciences and the National Science Foundation

Urban Dual-Language Immersion and Linguistic Minority Students: Issues of Access and Inclusion. (2021-2023). L. Santibañez (PI). With Erica Frankenberg, Claudia Cervantes-Soon, and Francesca Lopez.  Funded by the Spencer Foundation

Centering Student Voice to Understand the Influence of Ethnic Studies Courses on Students’ Academic, Behavioral, and Social-Emotional Outcomes: A Cross-Case Mixed Methods Collaboration. (2021-2023). Kyo Yamashiro (PI), Lucrecia Santibañez (Co-PI). Funded by The Hewlett Foundation

Can Ethnic Studies Courses Reduce Racial Inequality as They Scale? Evidence from Three Research-Practice Partnerships. (2020-2023). Emily Penner (PI), Kyo Yamashiro (co-PI), Nancy López (Co-PI), Lucrecia Santibañez (Co-PI). Funded by the W.T. Grant Foundation

Impact of Immigration Reform on Educational Equity-Research to Policy. (2022- 2023). Funded by the Latino Public Policy Institute, Latino Applied Policy Research Award, UCLA. Lucrecia Santibañez (PI), Patricia Gandara (co-PI).

MTSS Implementation to Support EL-Classified Student Success in California. (2022-2023). Funded by UCLA Center for the Transformation of Schools. Lucrecia Santibañez (PI).                          

Working Papers

"What School and Neighborhood Factors Predict Two-Way (Dual) Language Immersion Program Emergence: Evidence from Los Angeles" (Clemence Darriet & Lucrecia Santibañez), submitted to American Education Policy.  PDF

“Incidence of School Mobility among Vulnerable Students in California” (Lucrecia Santibañez, Cassandra Guarino, C., Robert K. Ream, Yiwang Li) (coming soon)

“Effective Teacher Coaching: Improving Mathematics Student Outcomes In Mexico” (Susan W. Parker, Lucrecia Santibañez, and Bernardo Naranjo P.) (coming soon)

Published Research by Topic

Teaching and Learning in Mexico and Other Low- and Middle-Income Countries

Saavedra, J., Maldonado, D., Santibañez, L. and Pardo, L. O. (2022) “Premium or Penalty? Labor Market Returns to Novice Public Sector Teachers” Journal of Human Resources. Ahead of print version published online 08/22.  PDF

Santibañez, L., Saavedra, J., Kattan, R.B., and Patrinos, H. (2021) “Comprehensive Private Schooling for Low-Income Children: Experimental Evidence from Mexico” International Journal of Educational Development, 87 (2021) 102494.  PDF

Santibañez, L. (2016) "The Indigenous Achievement Gap in Mexico: The Role of Teacher Policy under Intercultural Bilingual Education" International Journal of Educational Development, 47, pp. 63- 75. PDF

Santibañez, L., Abreu-Lastra, R. and O' Donoghue J. L. (2014) "School-Based Management Effects: Resources or Governance Change? Evidence from Mexico." Economics of Education Review, 39, pp. 97–109. PDF

Martinez, J. F., Santibañez, L., and Servan-Mori, E. (2013) "Educational Opportunity and Immigration in Mexico: Exploring Individual and Systemic Relationships." Teachers College Record, 115 (10), pp. 1-24.

Santibañez, L., and Jarillo, B. (2008) “Muscle, Timing and Priorities: Teacher Unions and Education Quality in Mexico.” Well-Being and Social Policy, 3 (2), pp. 21-40.  PDF

Santibañez, L. (2008) “Educational Reform: SNTE's Role.” Revista Mexicana de Investigación Educativa, 13 (37), (in Spanish). PDF

Santibañez, L. (2006). “Why We Should Care if Teachers Get A's: Teacher Test Scores and Student Achievement in Mexico.” Economics of Education Review, 25 (15), pp. 510-520.  PDF

Carnoy, M., Santibañez, L., Maldonado A., and Ordorika, I. (2002) “Entry Barriers to Higher Education and Professional Opportunities for Mexico’s Indigenous Peoples.” Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Educativos, 32 (3), pp. 9-43 (in Spanish). PDF

English Learner-Classified Students, Dual-Language Learners and Children of Immigrants in the United States

Santibañez, L. (2021) "Contrasting Realities: How Differences Between the Mexican and U.S. Education Systems Affect Transnational Students " in P. Gándara, P. and B. Jensen (Eds). The Students we Share: Preparing US and Mexican Educators for our Transnational Future (pp. 17-44). SUNY Press. PDF

Santibañez, L., Snyder, C. and Centeno, D. (2021) "Missed Opportunity: How Induction Policy Fails to Explicitly Address English Learner-Classified Students" Journal of Teacher Education, p. 1-16 PDF

Santibañez, L. and Umansky, I. (2018) English Learners: Charting their Experiences and Mapping Their Futures in California Schools. Research Brief. Getting Down to Facts II. PACE, Sacramento, CA. LINK

López, F. and Santibañez, L. (2018). Teacher Preparation for Emergent Bilingual Students: Implications of Evidence for Policy. Educational Policy Analysis and Archives. 26 (36). PDF

Santibañez, L. and P. Gándara (2018). Teachers of English Language Learners in Secondary Schools: Gaps in Preparation and Support (pp 1-51). The Civil Rights Project/Proyecto Derechos Civiles, UCLA. LINK

Santibañez, L. and E. Zárate (2014) "Bilinguals in the U.S. and College Participation" in R. M. Callahan and P. Gándara, P.C. (Eds.). The Bilingual Advantage: Language, Literacy, and the Labor Market (pp. 211-233). Multilingual Matters: Clevedon, U.K. (with peer review).  PDF (pre-publication version)

Santibañez L. and Guarino, C. (2021) “The Effects of Absenteeism on Cognitive and Social-Emotional Outcomes: Lessons for COVID-19.” Educational Researcher. 50(6), p. 392-400. PDF  (EdWorking Paper)

Teacher Labor Markets / Program Evaluations More Generally

Ball, C., Santibañez, L., and Taylor, E. (2018) Improving Teacher Practice. Research Brief. Getting Down to Facts II. PACE, Sacramento, CA. LINK

Martorell, P., Miller T., Santibañez, L. and Augustine, C. (2016) "Parent and Student Incentives to Boost Attendance of Disadvantaged Children: Evidence from a Summer Learning Program." Economics of Education Review, 50, pp. 113-126 LINK

Guarino, C., Santibañez L. and Daley, G. (2006) “Teacher Recruitment and Retention: A Review of the Recent Empirical Literature.” Review of Educational Research, 76 (2), pp. 173-208  PDF

Gates, S. M.; Ringel, J. S., Santibañez, L., Guarino, C, and Brown A. (2006) “Mobility and Turnover Among School Principals.” Economics of Education Review, 25 (3), pp. 289-302. LINK